
Drama mama

Mama’s spring flings are bow ing out to make room for the summer fare:

* “Game of Thrones” (Sunday, 9 p.m., HBO) With the Stark family pulled in every direction — Ned rotting in a dungeon, Robb riding into battle, bastard Jon Snow fighting off the undead, Sansa wooing the inbred prince, Lady Catelyn trying to unsee her sister breastfeeding an 8-year-old and little Arya on the run after her first sword fight — how can the last two episodes possibly have enough time for Princess Daenerys to storm the kingdom and give birth to a child fathered by Zod’s muscleman from “Superman II”?

* “The Killing” (Sunday, 10 p.m., AMC) We’re finally to the penultimate episode, which means just two more red herrings to sit through. And, unless Linden’s son is a murder suspect, the previous week’s standalone killed any momentum this series might have had. Had this whodunit been condensed to six installments — like “The Walking Dead” or “Luther” — they could have built to a suspenseful, satisfying finish. But filling 12 hours has required so many false leads, the “Twin Peaks” heir has turned into an unending, really depressing Scooby-Doo mystery.

* “Doctor Who” (Saturday, 9 p.m., BBCA) Last week’s shocker revealed that the Amy we’ve watched all season was just another wax figure (“ganger” to you Whovians). The first half of the mind-bending season wraps with what looks like it will be a test of the good Doctor’s sanity as he attempts to rescue the real Amy, who’s about to give birth.

* “Army Wives” (Sunday, 9 p.m., Lifetime) Complacency infiltrated the ranks this season — in particular, the once vivacious Pamela (Brigid Brannagh) was entrenched in a nowhere story apparently because she was slotted to exit in a now-discarded spinoff. Let’s hope the finale can deliver on its promise of a shakeup at Fort Marshall.