
Hondo hits trifecta!!!

Hondo, who was triple-swept Saturday, showed his resilience (he gets a lot of practice at that) with a bounce-back triple sweep of his own yesterday, hitting with the Angels, D’backs and Braves to slice the debt to 1,295 griches.

Today, Santana is the pick — 10 units on the Angels. Tonight, Mr. Aitch will go with the Sox to chill the Sawx — 10 units on Peavy.


Congressman Anthony Weiner claims someone hacked into his Twitter account and sent out a lewd photo of a male member enclosed in gray boxer shorts. At this point there is no way of telling whose junk is depicted in the photo, although one person has been ruled out: Brett Favre. Size-mologists say it can’t be L’il Brett . . . Utah may follow Texas and enact a law that makes those TSA grope-fests a felony. The only exception would be if a Utah TSA agent is frisking one of his wives.