
Ever a proud people


Only my favorite paper would run a half-page story, “The Gift of the Italians,” on St. Patrick’s Day (Rosario Iaconis, March 17).

Apropos of the day, I think you lads should take a mulligan.

Bill Hogan

Point Lookout


As a first-generation Italian-American, I have always been proud of my heritage.

My father came to the United States at age nine and proudly served in the Army during World War I. Shortly thereafter, he became one of the first Italian New York City police officers.

“The Gifts of the Italians” has both increased and justified my love of a country that has given so much to the world. To quote the very end of the article, “Viva I’talia.”

Emil LoPreto

Marlboro, NJ


I do not know how Rosario Iaconis celebrated 150 years of Italian reunification, but as an Italian living in the United States, I celebrated Italy’s history and achievements, its people and creativity.

I celebrated the best of a vibrant country, but I certainly did not celebrate the racial laws that in 1938 transformed all Italian Jews into second-class citizens. And I did not celebrate the Italians who helped the occupying German forces arrest and deport almost a quarter of the Italian Jewish community.

Andrea Fiano
