
Stern sidekick goes green

Howard Stern sidekick Gary “Baba Booey” Dell’Abate is starring in his own “Parks & Rec” show.

Dell’Abate, who lives in Old Greenwich, Conn., was approved Monday night for a seat on the town’s Board of Parks and Recreation.

The toothy, 50-year-old longtime producer of “The Howard Stern Show,” known to fans as “Baba Booey,” was approved for the 3-year term by an almost 2-1 margin, according to The Stamford Advocate.

He underwent a two-month confirmation process in which some town residents questioned whether he should be allowed to serve, given his association with the notoriously foul-mouthed Stern.

One committee member was even targeted with a plastic bag of feces in her mailbox, presumably by a Dell’Abate supporter, according to the report.

Dell’Abate, who’s lived in the town for 16 years, is on the coaching staff of the Greenwich Youth Football League.

His 16-year-old son plays on the Greenwich High School football team.