
Lawyer: Hurd hit porn sites

A Hewlett-Packard investor asked a Delaware judge in court papers to release a law firm’s confidential report on allegations of “sexual harassment” that led to Mark Hurd’s ouster last year as chief executive officer.

The so-called Covington Report, prepared for the HP board by lawyers at Covington & Burling LLP, is “a critical piece of the puzzle” about Hurd’s departure, lawyers for shareholder Ernesto Espinoza wrote to Delaware Chancery Judge Donald Parsons Jr. in court papers.

The internal investigation revealed that Hurd “had a close personal relationship with contractor Jodie Fisher” and that she received compensation, at times, where “there was not a legitimate purpose,” Monhait wrote.

While Hurd said he was “unaware of her past adult film career,” the probe revealed that he “searched out these movies and watched them on a pornographic Web site,” according to Monhait.