
‘New’ movie by Welles

Get ready for a “new” movie by Orson Welles. “The Other Side of the Wind,” which Welles made nearly four decades ago,  may finally be released. Held up by legal problems, the unedited film has been hidden in a vault amid doubts it would ever be seen publicly. A lawyer involved in the dispute over rights tells the Observer newspaper in London: “We are in negotiations for the picture, which would lead to the finishing and public exhibition. Hopefully  within the next few weeks we will know.”

The film, shot in 1972, portrays the last hours of an elderly movie director. Welles is said to have told John Huston, who has the lead role: “It’s about a bastard director, full of himself, who catches people and creates and destroys them. It’s about us, John.” Director Peter Bogdanovich and Oja Kodar, Welles’ final lover, also appear. Huston’s actor son, Danny, describes the footage  as “absolutely fascination,” the Observer reports. “Citizen Kane” helmer Welles died  in 1985, at age 70.