
O’s State of the Union: Hope & change, pt. 2

THE ISSUE: President Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night.


As an American who suffers in the lower economic bracket, I am disturbed by our president’s State of the Union Address (“Obama, Pacified,” Editorial, Jan. 26).

In brutal times like these, I question how far removed the president has become from the vast majority of Americans.

The man who sold us “change you can believe in” as a candidate panders to the vaguely socially conscious with hollow references to slain heroic agents of change like JFK and MLK, yet simultaneously cracks jokes about the TSA molestation of the American people.

Charles Ochelli

Forked River, NJ


Maybe it’s me or my brand new TV, but not once did I hear President Obama blame George W. Bush for anything.

Then again, the year is young.

Tommy De Julio

New Rochelle


The president spoke of the need for additional “investment” — in other words, increased spending.

In 2008, when Obama was elected president, the national debt stood at around $10 trillion. After two years, that figure is now $14 trillion and rising.

The $10 trillion accumulated in the first 232 years gave us the America we lived in before hope and change.

What did we get for the almost $4 trillion Obama added? Change, certainly, but hope? I don’t think so.

William L. Gensert

The Bronx


What happened to America’s courage? What happened to America standing up, not only for itself, but also for free people around the world?

What happened to America leading the way in innovation and technology and paving a proud future for our children?

I remember: We voted for change.

Craig Parker

Old Bridge, NJ


Among the most interesting remarks made by Obama is his statement that “at stake right now is not who wins the next election.” This writer begs to differ.

The future of our nation and the world status of America depends entirely on who wins the next election.

Rosy rhetoric from the self-righteous Republicans will not save the day for the 15 million out-of-work Americans.

Demanding continuing tax cuts for the wealthiest among us, instead of ending our involvement in Afghanistan, better educating our young people and taking away tax credits and subsidies for oil companies and corporations that ship our jobs overseas, will stop the recovery dead in its tracks.

I am proud of our brave, young president, as the entire country should be. He is a transformational leader in a truly transformational time.

His speech showed heart, compassion, toughness and, above all, his soaring confidence in the American people and what this country once was and can be again.

Henry Lowenstein



The president’s thinly veiled attempt at calling more spending an investment is like calling The New York Times fair and balanced.

Andy Hudson



My Oscar vote for best actor in a comedy series playing a president goes to Obama.

The joke, however, is on America, for casting him in the role.

Gerald Jacobs

Staten Island


I would like to applaud Obama’s address. It was full of hope and aspirations for a new America.

I like when he said, “This is our generation’s Sputnik moment.”

I also agree that for our nation to move forward members of Congress must not think strictly as Republicans or Democrats. They need to think as Americans and forget about politics.

I hope Obama and Congress can work together to get America back on track and back to work.

I hope Obama’s speech was not just rhetoric but that he has definite plans and resources to make this happen without further burdening the American people.

F. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village