
Business briefs

Bratz redux

Round 2 in the legal catfight between toy giant Mattel and rival MGA Entertainment over Bratz dolls begins today in Santa Ana, Calif.

Golden touch

Goldman Sachs promoted Jan Hatzius and Dominic Wilson to oversee global econom ics research, succeed ing Jim O’Neill, who became chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management at the end of last year.

Hermes appeal

Minority investors in Hermes International are appealing a French regulator’s decision to let the luxury-goods maker’s founding fam ily form a holding com pany for their stake without bidding for the remaining shares.

Glaxo charge

GlaxoSmithKline said it will have fourth- quarter legal costs of $3.5 billion related to an investigation of its Av andia diabetes drug.

Borders cuts

Borders Group elimi nated 45 jobs at its cor porate headquarters in Ann Arbor, Mich., as it works to preserve cash.