
Business briefs

Glum shoppers

The Conference Board’s confidence index unexpectedly fell to 52.5 in December, re strained by concern that jobs will remain scarce in 2011.

Gunning it

US gasoline demand at the pump jumped 4.6 percent last week as holi day shopping trumped higher prices. The aver age pump price rose 2 cents to $3 a gallon, 16 percent above a year earlier and the highest level since Oct. 17, 2008, according to a Spending Pulse report.

Wider WiFi

AT&T plans to ex pand the Times Square WiFi hotzone and add new ones near Rocke feller Center and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Midtown Manhattan.

Icahn nod

Carl Icahn’s $665 mil lion cash takeover of power producer Dy negy received clear ance from the FTC.

Faded Franklin

JSSI Capital Enter prises sued former ma jority stake owners of the Franklin Mint, say ing it was tricked into buying the business, which sells collectible coins and statues.