
Red Bulls star Henry buys $9 million penthouse in Soho

Thierry Henry may end up missing Friday’s huge game in Los Angeles against David Beckham, but at least he’s got a nice pad in which to rest his sore knee. The Red Bull star just closed on a $9 million penthouse in Soho according to

The website reports that the French striker and recent addition to the storied New York Red Bulls franchise _ storied franchise! That might be the first time the team had ever been called “storied” _ closed on the penthouse on quiet Crosby Street. He also apparently put $5 million in escrow to be spent on an attached portion of the condo once its present tenants move out.

How will he ever handle the nut on such a glamorous place with that $2,000 fine from MLS hanging over his head?

In all seriousness, when I asked him two weeks ago if he’d finally found a place to settle down, he confirmed that he had. I knew it was in Manhattan but I didn’t ask where; but I did prod the former Arsenal man by asking “Is it in Chelsea?” His eyes got big and he quickly shook his head grinning, saying “No! No! You know I cannot live in Chelsea.” Apparently Soho is fine, though.