

Mayrav Saar’s article, “Apes — They’re Just Like Us!” (PostScript, Aug. 8) is ridiculous.

Iyad Zalmout reveals his faith in the evolutionary fairy tale by asking, “How long does it take this guy to go from this all the way up to being in the form of an ape or a monkey?”

He assumes that this uphill transition actually happened, despite the absence of necessary fossil evidence.

Oxford evolutionist Mark Ridley admits to the absence of evidence for evolution in the fossil record when he states that “no real evolutionist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution.”

Other evolutionists have made similar admissions. But forget the physical evidence. Gorillas play tag and chimpanzees kiss. It appears that Zalmout would do more to advance the evolutionists’ cause by forgetting about fossils and searching instead for an ape capable of discussing evolutionary philosophy, perhaps over a Starbucks latte.

Nick Sabato, Queens