Shake a tail!

America is getting fat — and its people aren’t the only ones chowing down. Vet studies show that 45 percent of dogs are obese.

Gail Miller Bisher was working in marketing for pet organizations such as the American Kennel Club and WebVet when she first heard stats like this. And even though her own dogs are teeny tiny — miniature dachshunds Leyna and Beckham barely clear six inches off the ground and weigh no more than 10 pounds each — she was concerned.

“The stat that really gets my attention is that (according to a 2009 study by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention) dogs who are overweight live around two years less than other dogs. Most of the dogs I grew up with lived to 14 or 15 — but to think that I could have done something to have them around longer was so upsetting.”

It was her desire to keep her dachshunds, aged 5 and 6, young at heart — and in health — that spurred her to launch Super Fit Fido Club (, which draws on Miller Bisher’s own experience running marathons and training show dogs.

“I live near Central Park and see so many overweight dogs in the city,” she says. “I felt that my background could help pets live a healthier, longer life.”

Through Super Fit Fido, Miller Bisher offers private fitness classes for pets (who come to class with their owners), and gives advice through her Canine Fitness Expert blog. Group fitness classes, a canine fitness book and a video series are also in the works.

Private sessions, which start at $125 an hour, are 60 minutes, and begin with a warm-up of trotting. The trot isn’t meant to be a mad dash or what many pet owners call “the zoomies,” but a fast movement that will distribute the dog’s weight evenly over all four paws. She suggests looking at the way handlers will lead a dog around the ring at a dog show. “It’s just a little faster than that — right before they’re going to break into a gallop.”

From there, Miller Bisher has owners run their dogs through drills, such as weaving around witches hats and doing short runs back and forth, going into a “down” position at each turn. This strengthens their oft-

forgotten doggie butts, which benefit from springing up quickly in this move.

For canine core strength, she teaches dogs to sit up on their haunches and hold the position for a second or two. Even shaking paws gives shoulder muscles a good tone up.

Like with human fitness classes, much of it is common sense. “After six weeks, owners should be able to go from there and do it themselves,” she says. “You can just take your dog to the park and use a stick for your dog to jump over. My goal is to educate people and give them the tools to do this at home. I want everybody to become their own dog’s personal trainer.”