
A time for peace

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf led a peaceful congrega tion a couple of blocks away from the proposed Park 51 site for 27 years without incident.

His has been a voice of moderate Muslims, the voice so many of us have wanted to hear for the past nine years.

Yet when his voice of peace and reconciliation was raised in his Park 51 project, it drew vilifying criticism, shouts of anger and, most devastating of all, a suspicion about his character and his intentions.

Stereotyping is a way we all have of focusing our fears on a particular person or group. We project our anger on them and then push the fears away to give a false feeling of safety.

It seems that is exactly what some people are doing now in their opposition to the so-called Ground Zero mosque — equating all Muslims with the terrorists.

We are painting all Muslims with the same brush when we use the 9/11 attacks to justify our opposition to the community center and house of worship.

I represent Peaceful Tomorrows, an organization founded by family members of those killed on Sept. 11, 2001, who have united to turn our grief into action for peace.

We are unequivocal in our support of Park 51.

We believe that the opportunity for exchanging views can heal the ragged edges between Muslims and those of other faiths.

Throughout my travels here in the United States or in Afghanistan or Iraq, I hear the same message — violence against civilians, women and children is strictly forbidden by the Koran.

We must remember that murderous criminals killed our loved ones on 9/11, not ordinary Muslims.

Acknowledging our common experience with all people affected by violence throughout the world — Muslim, Christian, Jew and non-believer — we work to create a more peaceful world for everyone.

That is what Park 51 is all about.

Welty, 74, is the mother of firefighter Timothy Welty, who was 34 when he was killed on 9/11.