Serby’s Sunday Q & A with … Antrel Rolle

Steve Serby chatted with the former Cardinals Pro Bowl safety who signed a five-year, $37 million contract with the Giants this offseason.

Q: Will this Giants defense remind you of your Miami Hurricane defenses?

A: (Laugh). I definitely think we have the potential to make that happen. We have playmakers all over the field — more than what can be on the field at one time. It’s gonna be dynamic, no doubt about it. We have to see our animal mentality once it comes time to take that ballfield.

Q: How does that animal mentality manifest itself?

A: You know you have to be relentless. You have to be a shark that sees blood, and you have to go get it any way you can. That’s the way I play the game, and that’s what I’m gonna bring to this organization. I know there’s a lot of guys who see things the way I see things, and the guys that don’t see it that way, we’re gonna get ’em to see it that way.

Q: Why do you play that way?

A: My father is the first black Chief of Police in Homestead (Fla.). First of all, they said there never would be a black Chief of Police in Homestead. Once he got that, then it became, “We’ll give him another six months to a year . . . ” Well, he’s been there since ’99, and he tried to retire, so they gave him another contract to come back for two years. They’re begging him not to leave this year.

I’m well aware of the doubters and the people who say, “You can’t do this, you can’t do that.” That’s why I always play with a chip on my shoulder.

Q: [Defensive coordinator] Perry Fewell?

A: I like him a lot. I think he’s a very enthusiastic guy. He’s gonna be my type of coach, which is a coach who allows you to go get the ball. He wants the ball, and I think I’ll be the guy who gives him the ball.

Q: Define swagger.

A: Swagger is something that can’t be taught. Either you got it, or you don’t. It’s all about attitude.

Q: Will this Giants defense have swagger?

A: They’re gonna see swaggy yaggy yag. That’s swagger to the 36th power. I just thought that right now. I might go out and put a patent on that. . . . Wait, change that to the 26th power.

Q: An example of your toughness.

A: It would probably have to be my interception against the Giants last year. I had torn my plantar fascia. It was completely torn. Being that we already lost Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie and Adrian Wilson, I was the Last of the Mohicans. . . . I was able to fight through it and make a remarkable play when I should have been on the sidelines.

Q: How painful was it?

A: Extremely painful. The doctors told me I’d miss two or three weeks. The next week we played the Panthers. DeAngelo Williams broke a 70-yard run. I actually ran him down from behind and stopped him on the five-yard line.

Q: Hakeem Nicks?

A: I saw his hands, I’m like, “Damm!”

Q: Steve Smith?

A: You know what you’re gonna get, without a doubt. He’s like that little gnat who never gets out of your ear.

Q: Mario Manningham?

A: I saw the look in his eye. I see a guy who really really wants it. He wants it bad. He’s not the biggest guy out there. . . . His heart is probably the size of Texas.

Q: Tom Coughlin?

A: (Laugh). I didn’t really know what to expect from Coach Coughlin. He just seemed like a guy to me who would never smile. He’s a lot friendlier than I thought. He’s very much so a player’s coach. . . . He’s very military style though. He likes things done his way, and they’re gonna be done his way.

Q: You don’t talk much trash — which receivers do?

A: Steve Smith (Panthers). . . . He’s a funny guy (chuckle). Chad Johnson. . . . I don’t think he ever shuts up.

Q: Terrell Owens and Ochocinco together?

A: I think it’s gonna be dynamic. . . . I didn’t like the way people were doing T.O. I think sometimes T.O. lets his emotions take over a little too much in words, but to say they wouldn’t want him on their team. . . . T.O.’s never been in any kind of trouble. I’m not saying I’m the biggest T.O. fan, or I’m all for T.O., but I like players who speak their own minds. I would play with T.O. any day of the week.

Q: Favorite NYC things?

A: The women.

Q: Ideal woman?

A: Very, very intelligent. . . . someone who has a career going for herself and not depending upon me. . . . someone who is family-oriented.

Q: You fly your parents (Alexander and Armelia) to every game?

A: They’ve only missed one game since the age of six. I played in Pittsburgh after 9/11 and I didn’t want them to fly.

Q: Why do you do that?

A: They’re my No. 1 fans and I’m theirs. I know they’re gonna critique me better than I’m gonna critique myself. I wouldn’t know what I would do if I had to play a game without them being there.

Q: The tragic death of your childhood friend Sean Taylor?

A: Not a week goes by that I don’t think about it. Everytime I’m on the field, his presence comes into my mind.

Q: You’ve had other friends shot and killed not far from your Homestead (Fla.) home?

A: I just try to keep myself out of harm’s way. I think I surround myself with the right people. I keep myself out of areas I shouldn’t be.

Q: The Plaxico Burress gun incident?

A: In my eyes, I think it was not such a smart move on his behalf to take a gun into a club. But there are guys who do things a million times worse, and they get off with a probation or a minor sentence. I didn’t agree with the punishment at all.

Q: Matt Leinart?

A: I think Matt’s gonna prove a lot of people wrong.

Q: You called Aaron Rodgers scary?

A: Aaron Rodgers is just an effective, agile, accurate quarterback. He’s definitely one of the better quarterbacks I’ve ever faced.

Q: Brett Favre?

A: Let Brett Favre be Brett Favre. A lot of people might say he’s being selfish, not being a team player, but sometimes in this league that’s the way you have to be.

Q: Favorite player growing up?

A: Emmitt Smith.

Q: Three dinner guests?

A: President Obama; Oprah Winfrey; Angelina Jolie.

Q: Boyhood idol?

A: Michael Jackson.

Q: Can you moonwalk?

A: No question. I can do many of Michael’s moves.

Q: Childhood memory?

A: Probably the day I challenged my mom to a race in the middle of the street. She used to tell me: ‘You think you got your athletic ability from your dad — you really got it from me. . . . I lost.

Q: How did that feel?

A: It was devastating. How do you go and lose to a woman you’ve never seen do anything athletic in her life and you’re supposed to be the fastest kid on the block?

Q: Favorite movie?

A: Facing the Giant; The notebook.

Q: Favorite actor?

A: Denzel Washington.

Q: Favorite actress?

A: Angela Bassett.

Q: Favorite entertainer?

A: The late Michael Jackson, of course. For right now, for the male, Chris Brown, for the female, Alicia Keys.

Q: Favorite meal?

A: My mom’s spaghetti.

Q: With the Jets being media darlings, could the Giants be the other team in town right now?

A: It doesn’t matter how you start, it’s how you finish. When it’s all said and all done, we will be The Team.