
Student sues after spending night in jail for bringing dog into subway station

It was a more than a pet peeve.

A Brooklyn College accounting student spent a grim night behind bars after a cop busted her for bringing her miniature poodle into a Bay Ridge subway station, according to a federal lawsuit.

Icelyn Garcia, 25, claims she was wrongfully arrested after she carried her pooch, Louie, into the 86th Street station on the R line.

What followed, she said, was the “worst night of my life.”

“A prostitute offered me a job,” she said. “There were women in there hiding drugs in their private parts. People were fighting.

“I’ve never been around that caliber of people in my life.”

Garcia, a Bishop Ford Central Catholic HS graduate who had never been arrested before, had just finished shopping for her aunt’s baby shower on May 29, 2009, when she popped into the station.

She had her bags in one hand, and Louie tucked under her other arm.

Garcia, who was with her 19-year-old cousin, said she was confronted by Officer Jessica Gavaras, who told her that she had to put the dog into a carrying case.

Garcia said she pleaded with the cop not to give her a ticket and had her cousin take the dog out of the station.

But Gavaras refused to let her off the hook, she said. Garcia said the cop held on to her ID for what seemed like an eternity, but made no effort to write her a ticket.

Garcia then pulled out her cellphone, she said, setting off a tug-of-war.

The officer snatched the phone out of her hand, Garcia said, and she grabbed it right back.

“I went to look at the time [on the phone] and she got really upset,” Garcia said.

The two struggled in the station over the phone and the officer slapped the cuffs on her.

The student was charged with disorderly conduct, and spent the night in Central Booking, doing her best to avoid the dirty looks from the other ladies in lockup.

The charge was later dismissed.

“I was embarrassed. I was humiliated,” she said. “It wasn’t right. [Gavaras’] reaction was over-exaggerated.”

Garcia filed suit yesterday in Brooklyn federal court seeking unspecified monetary damages.

The NYPD declined to comment.