
Apple again delays white iPhone 4 until late 2010

Apple said Friday it is still having problems manufacturing the white version of its iPhone 4 device, which it now says will not be available until “later this year.”

The announcement is the latest delay for the white version of the iPhone 4, a smartphone that has garnered attention because of problems with its antenna since its late June launch. Shortly before the black iPhone 4 was launched in June, Apple said the white phones would not be available until the second half of July because of manufacturing problems.

Apple on Friday did not disclose the nature of the problem, other than to say the white iPhone 4 “continued to be more challenging to manufacture than we originally expected.” There have been concerns that the iPhone 4’s all-glass case could lead to a yellow tint developing on the white part.

Apple said the delays would not affect the black version of the new iPhone 4, which has been wildly popular.

“It is a product-development black eye, more than anything else,” said Avi Greengart, an analyst at Current Analysis. “I don’t think this is going to materially affect Apple.”

He noted phone buyers are unlikely to hold off buying an iPhone because they cannot get one in white. Furthermore, just getting an iPhone of any color has been issue for many.

Earlier this week, Apple said it was selling iPads and iPhones “as fast as we can make them” and had seen no decline in demand because of the antenna problems.

Separately on Friday, Apple began its program to offer cases, or so-called bumpers, to iPhone 4 owners, offering details on its website.