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Lindsay Lohan’s lawyer quits amid weak appeal hopes

Troubled star Lindsay Lohan can’t even keep a lawyer.

Shawn Chapman Holley — who once represented Paris Hilton and was on the O.J. Simpson defense team before taking on Lohan and her two drunken-driving busts — abruptly quit yesterday after hearing her client was shopping for a new lawyer, according to Radar Online.

Lohan is now represented by Tiffany Feder-Cohen — who was just admitted to the California bar in November, an LA County sheriff’s spokesman said.

But if Lohan is planning to appeal her 90-day jail sentence, she’s on shaky ground, legal experts said.




“I don’t think there’s any basis for an appeal,” said C. Robert Brooks, a top Los Angeles lawyer in DUI cases.

“[The sentence] is harsh in the minds of some observers, and I understand that. It isn’t by any means an abuse of judicial discretion.”

Celebrity defense lawyer Steven Cron added, “Lindsay Lohan had violated probation . . . many times, and it’s up to the judge’s discretion, unless [the ruling] was abusive. No appellate court will say [the judge] abused her discretion.”

Just hours before the legal switch, Holley issued a statement saying that she and the 24-year-old actress were “extremely disappointed” in the sentence but that Lohan will serve out her jail time and obey court orders.

“We believe that the penalty is far harsher than what others would have received under similar circumstances,” she said.

Holley’s statement also addressed the obscene “f- -k u” message on the nail of Lohan’s middle finger, which was captured by cameras when she was sentenced Tuesday.

“The fact is, the words could barely be seen by the naked eye,” said Holley, who was pictured next to a sobbing Lohan as the sentence came down.

“That a courtroom camera, purportedly there to accurately chronicle the proceedings, would use a telephoto lens to zoom in, as it did to Ms. Lohan’s fingernail, is a commentary on the entire issue.”

Lindsay’s father, Michael Lohan, said his daughter’s jail sentence “tears me up.” He also told Fox News’ Shepard Smith her profane fingernail stencil was “stupid,” “insane” and “dark.”

Mom Dina Lohan told Entertainment Tonight that “Lindsay’s scared to death,” and that she was “completely blindsided” by the court’s decision.

Meanwhile, reported that Lohan was bashing Judge Marsha Revel to friends, calling her a “f- – -king bitch” and saying Revel was out to get her.

Lohan has also been on a self-righteous Twitter tear since her sentencing, at one point posting a quote from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

She also linked to a Newsweek article about an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning, prompting questions about whether Lindsay was comparing her plight to the woman’s.