
Business briefs

HSBC probe

The Justice Department is conducting a criminal investigation of HSBC Holdings Plc clients who may have failed to dis close accounts in India or Singapore to the Internal Revenue Service, accord ing to three people famil iar with the matter.

AIG jets

American Interna tional Group’s plane- leasing business, Inter national Lease Finance Corp., is in talks to buy jets for the first time since 2007 as it seeks to expand after the insur er’s bailout, the unit’s new chief executive of ficer said.

EU, US share

The European Parlia ment civil liberties com mittee said it supported a deal with the US on shar ing citizens’ bank data, which investigators say will help counter-terror ism investigations.

Citi names

Citigroup expanded its capital markets business in Germany and Austria with nine new appoint ments, including Matthias Rode and Alexander Klute as co-heads for the equities business.

Euro falls

The euro snapped three days of gains, fall ing 0.2 percent to $1.2541.