
Majority moral?

Kyle Smith’s column, “End of the Culture Wars” (PostScript, June 27), is a classic example of how deeply subjective columnists can become in advancing their own political agenda.

Interestingly, nowhere in his column does Smith come near citing the ever-increasing public support for the pro-life view within our nation.

While it is unreasonable for any columnist to be objective, it is not unreasonable to demand balance and fairness.

Thomas E. Dennelly, Sayville

Smith states that “young Republicans embrace low taxes, but reject moral issues”; in reality, taxes are the great moral issue of our time.

Is it morally proper for government to legalize the theft of income from those who have earned it and redistribute it to those who haven’t earned it?

Theft is inherently immoral, especially theft by those entrusted to protect individual rights. That more Republicans don’t recognize this explains a great deal why they have been incredibly incompetent defenders of the unalienable rights to liberty and property the last 100 years.

Mark Kalinowski, Clifton, NJ

The essence of Smith’s column is that it appears we have bred a generation, those 18 to 34 years old, of post-modern, morally bankrupt Americans. God forgive and help us all.

Bob Pascarella, The Bronx