
Cops gripe over holiday patrol grind

The NYPD is shuffling shifts and denying weekend time-off requests in an effort to flood troubled streets with more cops this holiday weekend — ticking off some of the city’s Finest who will have to work later and longer to combat a recent spike in shootings, sources said.

Anti-crime cops and “conditions” cops, who investigate quality-of-life issues, in the housing and patrol divisions are changing their tours to 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Meanwhile, warrants-squad members on the night shift are expected to work until 5 a.m. and narcotics cops from 4 p.m. to midnight on back-to-back tours, sources told The Post.

Warrants and narcotics cops will be conducting unmarked street patrols looking for guns rather than carrying out their usual duties, the sources added.

Also, starting Tuesday, the 26 precincts with the highest crime rates have to have a anti-crime teams on from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

“I don’t know how quick anyone is going to be to make an arrest because no one is happy about the change of tours,” one source said.

With 53 shooting victims from June 21-27 — the most in a week so far this year — extra manpower is being redeployed in 23 affected precincts, according to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

“If there is a spike in crime, we shift tour response,” he told The Post. “If it’s later in the late tours, we shift our resources.”