Mutts make the cut

For a long time, Lisa Topol felt her pooch

Schmutzy was being discriminated against.

“It was like doggie segregation,” says the 38-year-old Murray Hill resident whose mixed-breed is quite the agile pup. “Until now, she wasn’t able to participate in her own kennel club’s agility trial.”

But on April 1, the country’s most prestigious dog organization, the American Kennel Club, introduced the Canine Partners program, allowing mixed-breed dogs to compete alongside their purebred cousins for the first time ever. (And, no, it wasn’t an April Fools’ Day prank.)

Mutts have long been allowed to exercise agility through other organizations such as the United States Dog Agility Association, but as the nation’s oldest authority on all things canine, the AKC stood steadfast in their exclusivity.

“The AKC has been around for 125 years, yet this is one of the first times mixed breeds are allowed to compete,” says Topol. “It’s a big deal.”

If dog shows like Westminster are the beauty pageants of the dog world, agility trials are the Olympics. Instead of looks and breeding lines, these events are all about speed and athleticism.

And Topol’s 3-year-old mixed-breed surely isn’t short on energy.

“Schmutzy is crazy athletic — she loves agility,” says Topol. “To her, it’s like crack.”

Topol found her goofy-looking dog at the North Shore Animal League and began doing agility trials 2½ years ago when a neighbor at her local dog run suggested it would be a good way to channel Schmutzy’s excess excitement. The pair had good success at USDAA events, but Topol was thrilled to learn they could start competing at AKC trials, too.

At one on May 15, the pair zoomed through the obstacle course — Schmutzy leapt through hoops, weaved poles and over jumps, ears flying. Topol ran a few feet to her side, using hand gestures and verbal commands to tell her where to go next, testing both her leadership and training skills.

“I need to be faster to keep up with Schmutzy!” admits Topol.

Living in a one-bedroom apartment in the city presents challenges for practicing jumps and seesaws. But Topol does training drills in hallways and attends classes in Port Chester twice a week.

“It’s a great way to have an active dog in the city,” says Topol. “Before we started doing it, Schmutzy was crazy and a bit overweight. Now she’s fit, happy and calm.”

Some agility enthusiasts who get hooked wind up getting a new dog — usually a breed known for excelling at the sport, such as a Shetland sheepdog or a border collie. But Topol remains true to mutts all the way.

“People ask me what breed Schmutzy is, and I tell them, ‘She’s a one-of-a-kind dog.’ It rocks. Plus, she gives purebreds a serious run for their money.”