Weird But True

Weird but true

He won the bet but lost his soles.

To win a wager with his teacher, high-school freshman Ben Hedblom wore one pair of sneakers to school for four years until the day he graduated.

The teacher now has to shave his head and eyebrows, but Ben’s victory is Pyrrhic.

Hedblom, who’s been nursing sore feet, has had to walk around for the past year in sneaks with no soles.


This job is “flat”-out grim.

Michigan inmates are being put to work scraping roadkill off state highways.

Dubbed the “Dead Carcasses Patrol Unit,” the road gang has to scrape up pieces of skunks, deer and raccoons.

Officials admit the job is “not real pleasant.”


Father-to-be of the year he’s not.

When a pregnant Wisconsin woman went into labor and asked her boyfriend to drive her to the hospital, he beat her up and stole her money to buy beer.

The woman was not seriously hurt and the baby was born without trouble.

Michael Vinson was charged with assault.


Dammed good construction job!

Scientists in Canada have discovered what’s believed to be the largest beaver dam ever seen — so big, in fact, it can be spotted from space.

Located in remote northern Alberta, the dam measures 2,790 feet in width — more than twice that of the famed Hoover Dam.

Experts estimate the beavers began working on their project in the 1970s.


He paid the price for not doing his marital duty.

A Texas woman slashed her common-law husband with scissors because she said he was lousy in bed.

Michelle Thomas, 26, was busted after her inebriated guy suffered superficial cuts, cops said.