Weird But True

Weird but true

Most people try to keep mice out of their houses.

But a California man filled his 400-square-foot apartment with 132 mice, birds and a gecko — all of which authorities discovered after he died.

“It was definitely very minizoo-like,” said a spokesman for animal control. “They were cute critters — very well cared for.”


Talk about sticking to your convictions!

A dying Oregon comedian has sold space on his cremation urn to PETA for an ad blasting KFC and dog breeding.

One will read, “I’ve kicked the bucket — have you? Boycott KFC.” The other will say, “People who buy purebred dogs really burn me up. Always adopt.”


Man overboard!

A sailor weighing anchor on the Danube River in Austria was stunned when he pulled up a sunken BMW — with its dead driver still behind the wheel.

Authorities believe the man was a professional driver who disappeared without a trace in 2007.


One man’s delicacy is another’s criminal act.

Two food vendors in Indonesia were arrested after they got caught selling meatballs made from the flesh of endangered monkeys.

They said they had been using the monkey meat for a popular soup dish because it was cheaper than beef or chicken.


OK, this is just creepy.

A 26-year-old man in New Zealand recently met his 72-year-old biological grandmother for the first time — and fell in love with her. And now, the pair has hired a surrogate mother to have a baby.

“I’m not interested in anyone else’s opinion,” Pearl Carter said. “I am in love with Phil, and he’s in love with me.”