
Morning buzz: April 14, 2010

Here’s the rundown:

* Mayor Bloomberg is signing bills, while Gov. Paterson is in Albany and then the city.

* RNC chairman Michael Steele meets with state GOP chair Ed Cox late morning, presumably to forge some better ties (the meeting comes within a few weeks of former Cox aide on the McCain campaign Mike Leavitt ascending at the RNC).

* Steele, and others, appear at the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network conference

* Carl Paladino appears on The Post’s Fred Dicker’s “Live from the State Capitol” on Talk 1300. So does Marist College pollster Lee Miringoff, who will have numbers showing whether an Eliot Spitzer comeback is plausible with voters.

* Paladino appears at an “Ask Carl” event on Staten Island.

* The City Council holds a stated meeting, looking at pay for horse-drawn carriage drivers, among other issues.