
Upcoming ‘Green Lantern’ film to have a ‘hard edge’

Anyone tired of super hero movies yet? You better not be, as Time Warner, owner of DC Comics, has finally begun a concerted effort to translate its stable of characters to the big screen in hopes of catching Marvel. One of the first up will be 2011’s “Green Lantern,” the tale of a test pilot who is drafted into a corps of universal police and given a power ring that allows him to fly and punch out bad guys with giant, green boxing gloves. The character may work on the page, but it could go awfully wrong if played completely straight.

The film’s designer, Aaron Sims, tells the Post that “Green Lantern” will have “a hard edge to,” perhaps similar to “The Dark Knight.” Director Martin Campbell, who made “Casino Royale” has a “really good sense of action,” and will “bring his own style to it,” Sims says.

The designer has already completed his pre-production work on the film, creating looks for all the sets and the film’s myriad aliens, some of which will be CG, others done with prostethics.

Ryan Reynolds will play the Lantern, Blake Lively his love interest.