
Ed Walsh urges support for Steve Levy

Ed Walsh, the Conservative Party chairman of Suffolk County who is an aggressive Steve Levy backer, is trying to sway his fellow chairs to buck against the executive committee vote in favor of Rick Lazio, saying the process was essentially rigged.

“Let me say that I have always been a big supporter and admirer of our State Chairman, Mike Long,” Walsh wrote.”Having said that, I am dismayed at the lack of fairness of the process that has unfolded in regards to who the Conservative Party will choose to back for governor.”

Walsh noted that Long has stood with Lazio as the candidate has described the executive committee vote as an endorsement, which the Suffolk chair took exception with.

Walsh noted “this was not a weighted vote and does not represent the majority of registered Conservative Party members in the state. Mr. Lazio in fact does not have anywhere near 50 percent of the support of our committee. We know factually that he does not have the support of the four biggest Conservative counties in the state (Suffolk, Erie, Nassau, Westchester), nor does he have the support of Rensselaer, the Bronx or Albany counties. These counties alone represent almost 44 percent of the registered Conservatives in the state. This schism in the Conservative Party is not good for the ultimate candidate and not good for the party.”

Then he added, “Lastly, as the chairman of the largest Conservative county in the state, which also happens to be the home county of Steve Levy and Rick Lazio, I would have hoped that our opinion of the two men would have carried a great deal more weight. In Suffolk County we believe in electing Conservatives. In fact, we have elected more registered Conservative party members than any other county in the state. In a county of 1.4 million residents, our County Sheriff, Vincent DeMarco, is a registered Conservative. Steve Levy ran for re-election as County Executive as the standard bearer of the Conservative Party. Why? Because as you will hear from every Republican elected official in the county, they cant get to the right of him! In contrast, Rick Lazio was always known in Suffolk County as a moderate to liberal Republican.”

The rest of his statement follows:

“We not only believe in Conservative values here in Suffolk County but as a political party, we believe in winning. Not only do I believe that Steve Levy is the most fiscally Conservative candidate that you can find, but I also believe that he is our best and only chance at winning in November. Rick Lazio has been given all the deference in the world to give him a chance to jumpstart his mundane campaign. He has neither captured the public’s attention nor been able to attract any serious campaign contributions. I don’t know about you, but I want a candidate that will win us back Row C as well as the Governor’s Mansion.

As Conservatives, we always talk a good game about reducing the size of government, cutting wasteful spending and holding the line on taxes. Well, let me tell you something: almost every candidate since the formation of the Republic has promised to do that! I only know of one man that actually has done it and his name is Steve Levy. Anyone can talk the talk. Lets get behind a candidate that has walked the walk. I believe Steve Levy is the most qualified candidate in this race with a record of fiscal conservatism that cannot be matched. I also believe that if you meet him and give him a chance to present his truly remarkable fiscally conservative record and plan for New York’s survival, you will think so too.”