
Greenfield wins city council seat

In a hard fought special election contest David Greenfield bested Joe Lazar to serve as the city council member for the 44th District, representing Borough Park and parts of Bensonhurst, Midwood and Kensington.

With 100 percent reporting the unofficial results, Greenfield garnered 58 percent, or 7,070 votes, to Lazar’s 40 percent, or 4,842 votes. Republican Kenneth Rice got three percent, or 311 votes.

“I’m looking forward to serving the entire community,“ said Greenfield. “This is not our seat, this is the entire community’s seat, and I look forward to working with the entire community starting tomorrow.”

Mayor Bloomberg called for the special election after former City Councilman Simcha Felder gave up the seat to become assistant comptroller under newly elected Comptroller John Liu.

Originally, five candidates entered the race, but after much jockying, the election essentially turned into a two-man race between Lazar and Greenfield.

Both candidates easily raised the maximum $161,000, including $88,500 in city matching funds allowed by the city Campaign Finance Board to spend on the race.

The race was characterized by many as a mandate of sorts for Assembly member Dov Hikind, who many consider a political powerbroker in the tight-knit Borough Park community.

The win was a blow for Hikind, who campaigned hard for Lazar, particularly in Borough Park.

Greenfield, who once served as Hikind’s Chief of Staff before the two had a falling out, won Borough Park by 700 votes, according to unofficial vote tallies.

Greenfield garnered the support of Mayor Bloomberg, Kings County Democratic Party Chair Vito Lopez and several elected officials.