
New meter-reading devices hit the nabe

New high-tech transmitters that the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) says will eliminate the need for meter readers to visit homes have begun appearing around Bensonhurst, Gravesend, Bath Beach and the rest of the borough as well.

“People are happy because it’s a more accurate reading,” Community Board 11 District Manager Marnee Elias-Pavia said.

The new Automated Meter Reader (AMR) system utilizes small electronic transmitters attached to individual water meters which are in turn linked to rooftop receivers.

According to the DEP, the technology can perform readings four times a day and provide not only the city, but homeowners with an accurate and detailed picture of their water usage.

The DEP says that by June, AMR users will be able to log on to their website and get all the information they need with a click of the mouse.

“In addition, if there’s any unusual activity the city is alerted that there might be a leak,” Elias-Pavia said.

That could save homeowners, who now must now apply for a “forgiveness program” in hopes of recouping losses incurred by an undetected leak, a bundle of cash.

So far, the DEP has installed over 200,000 AMR devices citywide.

The company installing the actual AMR system free of charge to homeowners in southern Brooklyn is called Constructamax.

Residents can call 1-888-317-2808 to schedule an installation and to find out more information.

The work started last year and is expected to take two more years to complete.

Both the Community Board 11 district manager and its Chairperson Bill Guarinello have had the new AMR system already installed in their homes.

“It took 20 minutes,” Elias Pavia said. “In the long run it will save the property owner.”