
Allegations fly in 44th District City Council race

Things are getting down and dirty between candidates David Greenfield and Joe Lazar in the imminent 44th District City Council race.

The latest allegation comes from City Councilmember Lew Fidler, a Greenfield supporter, concerning the upcoming Passover holiday just days after the March 23 election.

“I’ve heard threats to withhold Passover food to the needy from those organizations whose leadership is aligned with Greenfield,” said Fidler. “I’m not blaming Joe Lazar, but there are people who get carried away and lose sight of what is appropriate or inappropriate.”

Fidler said he’s heard this from several organizations and it seems — to him — there is too much smoke about the allegation for there not to be a fire.

“We have not seen this kind of stuff since Tammany Hall when they gave a turkey to come to vote or a bag of coal to heat your house. I want to make it clear, I’m not accusing Joe Lazar or his campaign, but I feel that people that support him are out of control,” said Fidler.

Lazar campaign manager Gary Tilzer called the allegation ridiculous.

“These are the last-ditch desperate accusations of a quickly fading Greenfield campaign,” said Tilzer. “It is despicable that David Greenfield has sunk so low.”

The allegation comes as Mayor Bloomberg is expected to campaign with Greenfield this week in Bensonhurst and Borough Park.

Greenfield continues to have wide support from the Kings County Democratic Party and many local elected officials either in or surrounding the district.

Lazar has the strong support of Assemblymember Dov Hikind, Comptroller John Liu and many organizations in Borough Park.