
Weekend subway service the pits

It’s slow going on the weekend for subway straphangers.

A new report issued by an MTA watchdog found that service is way off schedule on the weekends, when most of the MTA’s underground repairs get done.

And the report’s authors, the New York City Transit Riders Council, warned that it will only get worse as the MTA prepares to reduce service to save costs.

“What they claim is an additional 2 minute wait will actually be closer to 10 minutes,” said MTA board member Andrew Albert.

The group stationed observers at 13 different stations that served eight “letter” lines.

Only 89 percent of trains scheduled in a given hour arrived – that’s 149 our of 168.

And nearly 30 percent of trains were more than four minutes late – that’s 61 of 214.

Transit officials said that the weekend work is necessary to keep the system in a state of good repair. They’re also looking at better ways of informing the public about how much service is scheduled in the weekends.

The group also observed if advisories notifying riders of service changes were posted.

They saw the notices at 75 percent of subway mezzanines, 42 percent on the platform level, and only 22 percent on street level, where Albert said they matter most so people will know the service situation before they climb the stairs to a station.