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Heather Mills’ false leg checked for explosives at Heathrow

Heather Mills was forced to have her artificial leg swabbed for explosives at London Heathrow airport, Sky News reported Monday.

The 42-year-old and ex-wife of Paul McCartney was at the airport to catch a flight to the US when she set off the security alarm.

Mills had to roll up her trouser leg in public while her prosthetic leg was swabbed in front of other passengers.

A spokesman for Mills denied reports that she was angry about the incident.

He said: “Heather complied with security’s requirements with good grace.

“Heather wasn’t furious at all, she completely understands what has to be done for 21st century travel.”

A spokeswoman for airport owner BAA said: “She was swabbed because something set off the alarm in the metal detector archway.

“Staff could not see inside the leg so it was swabbed instead. This would be the same protocol if a passenger had a cast on a broken arm or leg.”