US News

Pentagon locked down after 2 cops shot at nearby subway station

A gunman walked up “very cool” to the Metro entrance of the Pentagon, reached as if getting a pass out then drew a handgun and opened fire at two police officers, officials revealed on Thursday (EST).

Pentagon Police Chief Richard S. Keevill said the shooter, who is thought to be an American citizen, appeared calm and said nothing before he started shooting at around 6:40 p.m.

The white male was only a few feet away from police when he pulled the trigger, Keevill said.

Sources confirmed his identity to Fox News as 36-year-old John Patrick Bedell.

Two Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) officers were hit but fired back, wounding Bedell.

One man told Fox News that a witness had heard up to 20 shots being fired during the incident and there were reports of people screaming and fleeing the scene in panic.

Officials said it was fortunate that no one else was injured.

The entrance was quickly sealed off as extra security and emergency services flooded the area.

The two officers were taken to George Washington University Hospital with non-life threatening injuries, thought to be grazing wounds.

Bedell was also taken to hospital – but with more serious injuries.

A Pentagon official told Fox News he had been shot in the head.

Fox News reported a second person was being questioned by authorities, however the broadcaster advised that person may just be a witness and was not currently considered a suspect.

Keevill said it was too early to speculate on a motive for the attack.

The Pentagon was immediately placed on lockdown after the incident but later opened some exits to staff.

The Metro entrance is expected to be closed until Friday at the earliest.

The shooting happened above ground near the doors of the Metro entrance to the Pentagon. The actual Metro stop at the Pentagon is below ground.

Keevill said the security measures in place had been a success.

“This all occurred outside. We have multiple layers of security and it worked. He never got inside,” he said.

Fox News national correspondent Steve Centanni said there was always very tight security at the entrance and there had been a previous shooting within the last year after an attempted security breach.

Shuttle buses were brought in to transport passengers while the Metro station was closed.

Police will hold another press briefing on Friday morning.

The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, located in Arlington County, Virginia.

Fox News contributed to this report