
Our Web readers show no hospitality for Southern band

Our online readers were certainly buzzing after we posted our story on Tuesday about how Bay Ridge’s beloved Southern Comfort Band had refused to respond to cease-and-desist letters from the slightly more-famous liqueur company with the same name (“Straight up! Southern Comfort Band resists name-change demand,” Feb. 16). The band says that the battle is “no big deal,” but our online commentors say otherwise. Here’s what we heard:

“I have no problem with the name. I do have a problem with that Confederate flag [pictured], which represents secession and the defense of slavery and brutality against African-Americans.”

Publius, Brooklyn Heights

“I have no sympathy for this band, and I hope they get a trademark ass-whipping in federal court. The use of the Confederate flag as a backdrop shows a lack of humanity, decency and common understanding. What this band thought was great publicity is probably going to backfire, as in Brooklyn, we celebrate the demise of the south in 1865. Freebird this … ”

Joey, Clinton Hill

“Are you kidding? I’m all about rooting for the underdog, but in this case the underdog is acting more like an ass. Find a more creative name and ditch that flag. What’s next, playing Wagnerian music with electric guitars and waving a Nazi flag?”

Brooklyn Bobby, Sheepshead Bay

“They shouldn’t have to change their name. No one is going to confuse buying booze and the name of a neighborhood bar band. This was NOT a publicity stunt! Maybe you should get a life!!! Too freakin’ bad if you’re offended by the confederate flag. They are there to play good Southern rock, not to rip off anyone’s trademark or show lack of humanity or decency.”

Loyal Fan, Bay Ridge

“How stupid do you think we are in the center of the universe to confuse liquor with a band name? And Andy, you really brought attention to something that may now not go away…all for a freakin’ byline…happy?”

A fan of the band, Midwood

“Do they know what the flag stands for? They probably thought it was a cool backdrop. If they are fighting a large corporation over a name they can’t be that smart.”

Jonathan, Bay Ridge

You liberal fools have no sense! You “Johnny come lately” Brooklyn “residents” should go back to your Mommy and Daddy’s house in the Midwest (or where ever you freaks come from) and leave our beloved town to the adults who can think and know our county’s history! This band has not tried to offend or horn in on anyone’s trademark. Bay Ridge is a very strange place to all of the soulless newcomers in the sense that the sons and daughters of earlier waves of immigrants love America and all of its music and traditions! Even Southern music, which was very popular in Bay Ridge in the 1970s — as opposed to the disco music your parents were digging at the time!

Joey Bots, Bath Beach