
Suffolk Co. Dems to honor Cuomo

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo — who’s gearing up for an all-but-declared run for governor — will be the honoree at the Suffolk County Democratic party’s annual dinner in April.

Cuomo’s name — and his current title — are the only ones listed on the invite for the April 13 event, which falls a month before the state party’s convention.

Rich Schaffer, the Suffolk chairman — and longtime friend of Cuomo — said the honor was about Cuomo as AG, and not any campaign he’s expected to run for governor, a seat currently held by Gov. Paterson

“We honored (Gov. Paterson) last year,” Schaffer said. “And we honored (State Comptroller) Tom DiNapoli the year before that. … We strongly support Andrew Cuomo, our Attorney General. Right now, he’s running for attorney general.”

And if he ran for governor?

“That would be up to him, and I would be open to it,” Schaffer said.