US News

Nancy’s ‘killer’ bro jealous

“Nancy, Nancy, Nancy.”

Ice princess Nancy Kerrigan’s brother Mark jailed for a brawl with their father that led to the elderly man’s sudden death, was jealous of her Olympic fame and prone to violent, drunken temper tantrums, Mark’s ex-wife said yesterday.

“It was a constant battle to keep him calm,” said Janet Kerrigan, who told “Inside Edition” that her ex envied his sister’s stardom.

“He would just say, ‘Oh, it’s always Nancy, Nancy, Nancy,’ ” Janet recalled. “When there was a family function, there was always an edge.”

Officials did not allow Mark, 45, to attend Daniel Kerrigan’s funeral yesterday. Nancy buried her head in the shoulder of her mom, Brenda, and wept as the flag-draped coffin was taken into St. Patrick’s Church in Stoneham, Mass.

Mark was arrested Sunday after he’d scuffled that morning with his dad over use of the phone in their suburban Boston home. Daniel, 70, was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Mark pleaded not guilty to assault and was being held on $10,000 bail. He could face more charges after the medical examiner determines the cause of death.

Janet said Mark envied the attention his sister got from their parents, who mortgaged their home to pay for Nancy’s lessons but couldn’t afford to support Mark’s bid to play professional ice hockey.

Janet said Mark had a temper and was sometimes abusive.