Brodeur wins this round against Avery

The nemesis was at it again, but this time, Sean Avery didn’t get Martin Brodeur’s goat.

Avery was yapping at the Devils’ goalie in the second period of New Jersey’s 1-0 shootout victory over the Rangers at the Garden, but all it seemed to earn him was a talking-to from ref Dan Marouelli.

“All he said was ‘Get back in your net,'” Brodeur told The Post. “It was nothing really worth mentioning.”

Avery courteously sidestepped Brodeur behind the Devils net twice in the first after Brodeur had cleared the puck, and he was prevented from reaching Brodeur early in the second by the intervention of Mark Fraser, with Patrik Elias helping out, in case.

Avery did manage to hit teammate Artem Anisimov at center ice, a second-period collision that flattened both.