US News

Pelosi takes shot at prez

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a rare jab at President Obama on Capitol Hill yesterday after reporters pressed her about his promise of transparency amid closed-door negotiations on a health-care overhaul.

Pelosi — testy over the administration’s pressure on House members to accept the bill — pointedly replied, “There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail.”

The remark came after C-SPAN asked Obama to allow TV stations to broadcast the final talks on health care between House and Senate leaders.

Earlier in the day, the president had met over the proposed reforms with Pelosi ( D-Calif.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) at the White House.

The developments came as a federal study said the nation spent an average of $7,681 per person on health care in 2008, for a whopping total of $2.3 trillion, even as overall spending slowed considerably because of the recession.