
Tiger roundup: How he covered his tracks

This weekend, Tiger Woods sent a little “thank you” to Brittany Murphy up to the heavens — it took her death to finally pull the spotlight off him and his philandering ways.

There were still a few choice bits floating around about the card-carring cad, however:

— Page Six figured out exactly how Tiger covered his tracks — by acting like a wide-eyed kid in jiggle joints, and always sending a wing man to catch his prey. Read the full report here.

— Tiger’s mom is none to happy with his antics. Kutilda Woods is “hurt, angry and disappointed in Tiger [and] wants to know how he could do this to his family,” a family friend told Read more here.

Phil Mushnick notes that the PGA has totally scrubbed Woods from all of its ads for two upcoming tournaments.

— The Times’ Frank Rich wrote an analytical look at exactly why we’re so fascinated with the Tiger scandal — yes, we love to see a star fall from grace, but there’s more to it, he argues. Read it here.

— Just as other endorsement deals are drying up for Woods, a Florida cigar maker, Corona Cigars, is offering him $100,000 to be the face of their company. Read more here.