Weird But True

Weird but true

This is going to put a crimp in his love life.

A Wisconsin guy who stole his foster parents’ car and fled to Tennessee with his 16-year-old girlfriend was sentenced to a year in jail by a county judge — and then ordered not to date until his probation officer allows it.

Jordan Christensen, 19, has to get permission to show a gal a good time for the three years he’s on probation.


An English tourist attraction has decided to celebrate Christmas the old-fashioned way — by outlawing it.

York Dungeon is re-enacting Oliver Cromwell’s 1647 ban on the holiday by burning Christmas trees, smashing decorations and displaying severed heads (no, not real ones) choking on mince pies.

“Woe betide those with a Merry Christmas on their lips or mince pies on their breath,” a dungeon spokesman said. “These have been condemned by Oliver Cromwell as illegal demons of Catholic decadence.”


Damned Big Brother!

A group of Russian politicians is pushing for hefty fines for anyone caught cursing in public, with higher penalties for profanity in front of children.

The proposal mimics the efforts of the Russian region of Belgorod, where swearing has been banned since 2005.


Someone finally took pity on the “tortoise woman” of Inner Mongolia.

For nearly 30 years, Sun Fengqin, 47, has suffered with a tumor on her back that has grown so big she can barely walk upright.

Doctors have offered to perform complicated corrective surgery for free.


Stressed-out Brits can listen to soothing sounds for free by calling a company’s “relaxation line.”

Callers can select the sounds of a woodland forest, the sea hitting the shore, a crackling log fire or birds singing.