Real Estate

The weekly wrap-up, December 18

This week we learned that…

Cadman Plaza has had more facelifts than Donatella Versace. Hey! (We’ll be here all week.) [The Real Deal]

Some people are not impressed with Trump SoHo’s meager closet space. [The Awl]

Apparently, we’re all miserable. [Live Science]

If we were Bruce Ratner, this would be the point at which we decided to just walk away. [Curbed]

Here’s your chance to make your reality TV dreams come true. [Cobble Hill Blog]

Foreclosures — now everyone is getting in on the act! [Brownstoner]

Jack Geoghan would seem to have some not insignificant anger management problems.

Arthur Freedman will be getting a lot of calls about his East Village apartment. [NY Times]