
Robbed right outside home

Robbed right outside home

A 64-year-old man was beaten and robbed as he was dropped off in front of his home on Schermerhorn Street.

The victim told police he was entering his building between Smith and Hoyt streets at 4:35 p.m. on December 3 when a 5’10”, 160-pound black male in a jean jacket jumped him.

As the two wrestled, the suspect managed to pluck $130 from his right pocket, officials said.

The victim suffered a cut pinky as the two men fell to the ground.

The thief ran off after taking the money.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to come forward.

Calls can be made by contacting the 84th Precinct at (718) 875-6811. All calls will be kept confidential.

Lotto lunacy

You’ve got to be in it to win it and this guy is in pretty deep.

Police said that a fast-moving thief plucked over $3,000 worth of lottery tickets from the New Way Newsstand, 208 Livingston Street, last week.

A worker said that the thief entered the store at 5:15 p.m. on December 4 and asked for thousands of dollars in tickets.

The worker printed up the order and was surprised that the man snatched the tickets and ran off without paying.

Cops were looking for the lucky thieves as this paper went to press.

Busted for robbery

Two teens were arrested last week after they held up a 22-year-old on Columbia Heights.

Officials said that the victim was between Orange and Cranberry streets at 1:30 p.m. on December 3 when the two teens bum-rushed him.

The teens pushed, shoved and intimidated the victim until he handed over his cell phone.

Responding officers caught up with the two teens, identified as a 14-year-old juvenile and 16-year-old Mykel Foruma, charging both of them with robbery.

Child’s play

It’s a gift that keeps on giving — a crafty employee at The Children’s Place, 471 Fulton Street, was arrested last week when it was discovered that she allegedly used a store account to buy $2208 worth of gift cards that she then reportedly sold under the table.

Officials said that 27-year-old Camille Allen was charged with grand larceny after the her employer uncovered the alleged scam which stretches back to mid-October.

Allen was taken into custody this week — just in time for the Christmas shopping rush.

Wallet whisked away

A 39-year-old woman was out $40 last week when someone swiped her wallet during a shopping excursion in the Fulton Mall.

The woman said that she had left a store on Fulton Street near Bond Street at 6 p.m. on November 27. As she walked out, she looked into her purse to discover her wallet missing. She could not say if anyone had bumped into her.

Some credit cards were also removed from the purse, officials said.

Who guards the guards?

Apparently the police, who arrested three people for allegedly beating up a security guard at the Atlantic Terminal Mall Monday.

According to published reports, suspects Luc Vincent, 19, Israel Rodriguez Jr., 21, and Roberto Valle, 27, were sitting in a Honda near the corner of Atlantic and Fifth Avenues at 7:30 p.m. on December 7 when a guard asked Rodriguez to move the vehicle.

Rodriguez apparently did what he was told, but moved the car only ten feet, officials said.

When the guard stormed over to the car, the three men got out and pummelled him, leaving him with a smattering of bruises, police alleged.

Cops rounded up the three men shortly after the attack, charging them all with assault.

Targeting computer games

A 43-year-old alleged thief with an eye for computer game software went right to the source to feed his addiction — the Target inside the Atlantic Center Mall.

A security guard reportedly found Keith Callahan inside the store at 5 p.m. on November 30, slicing open boxes for items that had not been put on store shelves.

Callahan was grabbed with the razor and the untagged software as he tried to leave, officials said.

Beaten for iPhone

A Brooklyn Heights straphanger was punched repeatedly when he wouldn’t give up his iPhone during a heated exchange on an outbound Q train.

The victim told police that he was focused on one of his aps at 4 p.m. on November 24 when an unidentified woman tried to grab the phone out of his hand as the train left the DeKalb Avenue station.

When the man resisted, the woman attacked him.

The woman left the train after a brief struggle empty handed, said police.

Senior robbed

Cops are looking for three thugs responsible for robbing a senior citizen at Fourth Avenue and Pacific Street in Boerum Hill.

The woman told police that she was nearing the corner on November 27 when an unidentified man jumped out from behind a car with a knife in his hand.

He was soon joined by two other fiends who crept up behind the woman.

They left the woman unharmed, but only after robbing her of $80, officials said.

Cops are asking anyone with information regarding this incident to come forward.

Calls can be made to the 84th Precinct at (718) 875-6811. All calls will be kept confidential.