
Pedro put Post poster in locker

When Pedro Martinez was shown a picture of The Post’s full-page poster of his head on a baby’s body from Nov. 4, the day of his start in Game 6 of the World Series, during an appearance on HBO’s “Joe Buck Live” last night, the pitcher gave as good as he got.

“I may have been uncomfortable, but the person who would have had to put a diaper on a baby with a goatee … that person would have a lot more to deal with,” Martinez said when Buck had the poster shown on a television on the set during the show, drawing laughter from the crowd.

Buck then asked Martinez about why he had a copy of the paper in his locker, and was walking around showing people the poster as soon as an hour-and-a-half before the game. The former Mets right-hander said he was so happy to be there that he was enjoying the moment.

“You know what? I was the least expected person to be in Game 6 of a World Series,” he said, “and I couldn’t help but enjoy it, and have fun with every little piece of it, including that piece of paper.”