US News

Today in Photos: Nov. 16

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An Afghan woman in burqa walks down the street in Kabul. REUTERS
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Activists of FEMEN, a Ukrainian women movement defending women’s conditions in the society, perform during their protest action in front of Ukraine’s Education Ministry in Kiev to denounce sexual harassment of students by some university professors in the country. AFP/Getty Images
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The Italian Frecce Tricolori aerobatic team performs during the second day of the Dubai Air Show. REUTERS
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A U.S. Army caisson team carries the flag draped casket of U.S. Army Sgt. Nickolas Mueller during a funeral ceremony at Arlington Cemetery. Getty Images
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Space shuttle Atlantis lifts off on a mission to the International Space Station from its launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. REUTERS
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A man looks at a tree stump displayed in Trafalgar Square, London, as part of an art piece entitled “Ghost Forest.” AP
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Three competitors from the racing competition “The Louis Vuitton Trophy” ,compete in Nice southeastern France. AP
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California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks to the troops as a US soldier holds up a copy of a magazine fronting a younger governor as a body builder during his visit to Camp Victory on the outskirts of Baghdad. AFP/Getty Images
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This aerial photo of 1,700 beach towels each bearing a chalk outline of a “dead body,” symbolising the annual toll of skin cancer related deaths in Australia, laid out by the Cancer Council on Bondi Beach in Sydney. AFP/Getty Images
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An Indian lady begs with a five-legged cow during Kadlekai Parishe – ground nut – festival in Bangalore. AFP/Getty Images
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A worker walks on drums of palm oil waste during tidal flooding at Tanjung Mas port in Semarang, Indonesia Central Java province. REUTERS
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Workers move drums of palm oil waste during tidal flooding at Tanjung Mas port in Semarang, Indonesia Central Java province. REUTERS
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A worker takes a nap during sea water tidal flooding at Tanjung Mas port in Semarang, Indonesia Central Java province. REUTERS
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Halima Aden, left, and Rhadija Aden, sit next to their home in Garissa, eastern Kenya. Halima and Rhadija both have lost sons to the recruitment and the town’s deputy mayor says hundreds of young men have disappeared in the past two months. Thousands of people, including children, are being secretly recruited and trained inside Kenya to battle Islamic insurgents in neighboring Somalia, according to deserters, local officials, families of recruits and diplomats. Most recruits are Somalis living in crowded refugee camps and Kenyan nationals who are ethnic Somalis living nearby. AP
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U.S. President Barack Obama greets participants in a town hall-style meeting with future Chinese leaders at the Museum of Science and Technology in Shanghai. REUTERS
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A resident walks on the partially dried riverbed of the Yangtze River on a snowy day in Wuhan, Hubei province. REUTERS
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US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers remarks at a partially-completed US pavillion at the Expo 2010 site in Shanghai. AFP/Getty Images
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A general view of the financial district in Taipei City. Taiwan has signed a financial service pact with China, allowing its banks to tap China’s massive market and paving the way for banks on both sides to invest in each other, a source said on Monday. The much-anticipated pact, or memorandum of understanding (MOU), will mainly cover cross-border financial supervision. The Taipei 101 building is seen in the background. REUTERS