
Homeless doll

It was intriguing to learn of the release of “Gwen Thompson,” American Girl’s recent addition to its prestigious collection of dolls (“ ‘Homeless’ Doll Costs $95 (Hairstyling Extra),” Andrea Peyser, Sept. 24). Although she represents the world of make-believe, Gwen Thompson’s biography is one that represents more than a million young children across the country. It is important that the crisis of child and family homelessness be brought to the forefront of our nation’s awareness. Understanding the magnitude of the issue and the chaos and disruption it causes in young, homeless children’s lives is the first step in identifying a long-term solution to this unacceptable problem.

Kudos to Mattel for doing its part to enlighten us all.

Sue Heilman, Executive

Director, Horizons for Homeless Children, Roxbury, Mass.