
When . . . .

.. . . and only when Toney Douglas, certainy not drafted because he was the second coming of World B. Free,  is in the Knicks’ rotation, will I believe that Mike D’Anoni is prioritizing defense more than just as a topic of discussion on the day training camp begins.

. . . . and only when the Wilpons don’t know where else to turn, does Bobby Valentine return to manage the Mets, which could be by June of next year.

. .  and only when Marion Gaborik plays 58 of the first 60 games will I believe the Rangers are a playoff team, never mind a Stanley Cup threat. Not with these centers. 

 . . . and only when  Kris Jenkins, who mysterious disappearance after 11 games last season had just as much to do with the Jets’collpase as Brett Favre’s age and infimity,  is still going strong in Week 13, will I believe they are a real threat to get to the Super Bowl.