
Ultra-secrecy for Zazi trial

The government’s case against accused terrorist bomb-maker Najibullah Zazi is so far-reaching that it includes top-secret evidence that can only be discussed in “a secure room,” prosecutors told a Brooklyn judge yesterday.

The extremely tight-lipped officials said the “classified” documents were part of a “voluminous” file of evidence against Zazi, who is accused of plotting the most dangerous attack on New York since 9/11.

“The conspiracy is international in scope,” said Assistant US Attorney Jeffrey Knox.

The prosecutor’s comments came as Zazi, a 24-year-old former food-cart vender from Queens, sat calmly in Brooklyn federal court while his lawyer entered a not-guilty plea during his arraignment.

Zazi — charged with conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction — was ordered held without bail.

Court papers unsealed last week said he and three unidentified “others” had shopped at Denver beauty-supply stores for a deadly combination of household products, including peroxide, acetone and hydrochloric acid.
