
School’s in for double-dipper

A double-dipping assistant principal who turned a Brooklyn rubber room into her own personal office is being kicked out and forced to work, after she was exposed by The Post last Sunday, sources said.

Raquel Downing — who has been collecting $99,680 a year to do nothing in a rubber room since 2006 — was handed a list of possible jobs last week and told she must choose one to report to Tuesday.

She didn’t handle it well.

“She took the list and threw it” at the Department of Education official who handed it to her, one source said.

“She started yelling that she wasn’t going to leave. She was very angry.”

The Post reported last week that Downing was put back on the city payroll in 2006 after winning a wrongful termination suit, and ended up in a rubber room.

There, sources said, she ran a Web site selling children’s CDs, in violation of regulations banning moonlighting.