
Mailman’s ZZZZZIP code

So that’s why they call it snail mail.

US Postal Service carrier Keith Goode enraged Upper East Side residents recently after he plopped down on a stoop in the middle of his route and fell asleep.

One furious onlooker snapped a photo (right) of the 23-year postal veteran snoozing next to a bag of mail.

A building manager on the East 80th Street block filed a complaint with the Postal Service in December 2008, accusing Goode of drinking on the job. A local bar told The Post that Goode was known to stop in for a whiskey or beer with lunch a few days a week.

But Goode said it wasn’t booze nor rain nor gloom of night that kept him from the swift completion of his appointed rounds. It was agita.

On the July day of the photo, he said, he had eaten “a big sandwich” and needed to “rest” because he wasn’t feeling well.

“I have never been drunk on the job,” he said, adding that the building manager has a personal beef with him.