
‘Drunk’ cop kills pastor’s daughter

A drunk NYPD officer struck and killed a Brooklyn woman early this morning – and his three passengers, including at least one other cop, fled the deadly scene and left her dying in the street, police sources and witnesses said.

Driver Andrew Kelly, 30, who is assigned to the 68th Precinct in Bay Ridge and lives in Flushing, Queens, was arrested after mowing down Vionique Valnord, 33 at the corner of Avenue N and 56th Street, cops said.

Sources said he refused to take a breathalyzer test and investigators obtained a warrant to draw his blood.

A second off-duty cop in the front passenger seat and two more in the rear bolted immediately following the deadly collision, sources said.

Kelly was driving westbound on Avenue N when he struck Valnord, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters.

The commissioner said the officer in the passenger seat reported to his regular precinct hours later and told his superiors that he was in the car.

“He’s being questioned about the circumstances of the accident,” said the commissioner.

It was unclear whether the other two officers had been identified.

Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime only for the driver of a car. Passengers are not required by law to stay behind, but the three other officers might still face departmental discipline for fleeing.

“I have never heard of it applying to anyone else but the driver,” said defense lawyer Steven Chaikin.

Officer Kelly was taken from the scene wearing what appeared to be civilian clothes – a Yankees jacket and cap, work boots and cargo pants. He was charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving while intoxicated.

Commissioner Kelly said cops responding to the scene of the accident smelled alcohol on Officer Kelly’s breath.

Valnord’s father, pastor of the Church of God on Rogers Avenue in Crown Heights, gathered the strength to deliver his customary Sunday sermon, despite the unimaginable tragedy.

“When it’s time for God to take you, you must go,” he told congregants. “God decides whether you live or die.”

Friends said Vionique Valnord was leaving the wedding of two church members and trying to flag down a cab when Kelly’s Jeep slammed into her at about 45 miles per hour.

“I saw her body in the air, flipping and twisting, and I heard it hit the ground,” said Richard Augustin, who also attended the wedding.

Witnesses said several people – including the driver – rushed to Valnord to try to resucitate her.

“She was breathing slowly,” said another witness, Ricardo Brisard, 22. “She was hit on the right side. Her right leg was broken. She was still alive.”

Valnord died of her injuries at Kings County Hospital.

While many friends in the close-knit church community tried to remember that God hates the sin – not the sinner – others were less kind.

“He should go to jail, if he’s a cop driving drunk,” fumed a 28-year-old parioshioner who declined to identify herself. “This needs to be pursued. They need to put some pressure on [the other cops].”

Kelly’s neighbor, Felix Aponte, was stunned by the news.

“He’s a great guy,” Aponte said. “Always willing to help you. I’m stunned by this. It doesn’t sound like him.”

Additional reporting by Sally Goldenberg and C.J. Sullivan.