
Bx. prosecutor’s killer has parole rescinded

A drug dealer convicted of gunning down a Bronx prosecutor had his parole reversed this morning after The Post exclusively reported that the district attorney’s office shockingly neglected to contest his release.

Taking advantage of a rarely-used “rescission hearing” the state parole board voted to rescind its decision to release Jose Diaz, the murderer of assistant district attorney Sean Healy, on the grounds that the case file was incomplete.

“The decision was based on new information received from family members of the deceased victims,” the board wrote.

The Post exclusively reported on the Diaz foul-up Monday.

“The Post story brought Sean back to life and showed what type of person Sean really was,” said Healy’s brother Patrick. “Without the Post story I don’t think things would have gone as smoothly as they did.”

Healy, a 30-year-old beloved prosecutor who once volunteered for Mother Teresa in India, was shot dead in 1990 in a Bronx bodega while buying doughnuts for his staff. Diaz had sprayed the store with bullets from his Uzi during a botched hit on a rival drug dealer.

Amazingly, Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson completely forget to contest Diaz’s release on parole at hearings held in 2005, 2007 and finally in April this year when the unrepentant killer was ruled eligible to return to society.

Diaz, 49, had been scheduled to walk free Aug. 25.

Since Diaz was granted parole in April, Healy’s family and the Bronx DA wrote a flurry of letters behind the scenes demanding the killer be kept his cage.

“At this stage [Diaz] does not deserve parole. He has not shown remorse or denounced his way of life, with drugs,” Patrick added. “Perhaps the day will come when he shows true remorse and renounces that life and we will have to think differently about this.”